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QUIZ: What’s your Holding Room Intimidation Style?

Who is next to you?

A. A stranger, aka a friend I haven’t met yet!

B. No one, my aura is toxic

C.I don’t know, a bunch of girls?

D.The monitor, obviously

What number are you on the list?

A.In the first 10, Non-equity unoffical list

B. 25, but friend wrote my name, I don’t wake up before 7

C.140, but they’re seeing all the guys, so it’s cool

D.8, which gives me plenty of time to hang out with my old buddy Glen the Monitor

How do you prepare?

A. I do my monologue for the guy next to me. Sharing is fun!

B. Meditating on my inner power and imagining the demise of my enemies

C.Eating an egg and cheese sandwich and having a Diet Coke.

D. Doing a fun, flirty fashion show for the monitor

What’s in your audition bag?

A.Four curling irons, black AND tan LaDucas, and my framed BFA

B.One tube of deep red lipstick and my confidence

C.My audition book from college, I guess

D.Cookies that I baked for the monitor

When were you last #bookedandblessed?

A.I did Legally Blonde my senior year of college. Delta Nu 5ever!!!!

B.I finished Lady Macbeth last month. I was very good.

C.I play all the dad roles at Pinkerton Players every summer

D.I’m in a show next week. Do you want to come see it??

The Monitor calls lunch, you…

A.Pull out your tupperware with your Whole30 meal and inform everyone around you about your journey to health

B.Disappear in a puff of smoke

C.I already ate my cheese so I’m just gonna nap

D.Ask the monitor if he wants to join you at Pret a Manger for a Cranberry and Goat Cheese wrap

Congrats! You got a callback in the room! You

A.Let everyone know that they’re giving callbacks in the room. Just so they’re aware.

B.Celebrate your success with a glass of wine and learning your sides by candlelight

C.Tell the creative team that you’re unable to make it to callbacks because it’s your brother’s bachelor party weekend

D.Give the monitor a big hug and kiss on the cheek and make sure they know how grateful you are.

Mostly A’s. Chatty Cathy

You have a way with words and a distaste for silence! Your book is chock full of poppy MT show stoppers and you’re not afraid to let everybody know it! You know you’re working your intimidation magic when other people in the room put their headphones in. Enjoy your moment in the sun, but be sure to save some of that energy for the audition room!

Mostly B’s. Subtle Sabotage

You have an inner peace that is honestly terrifying. Keep up the good work--with your almost spooky level of focus, we know you won’t be in holding rooms much longer. Appointment only here you come!

Mostly C’s. The “Over It” Guy

The scary thing about you is that despite your best efforts, we all know you’re gonna book. Lucky for you, your total lack of work ethic turns into breezy coolness the moment you step into a holding room. Keep doing what you’re doing, I guess?

Mostly D’s. Monitor Thirst Trap

You know that the monitor doesn’t have any control over casting, right? Well, not everyone does, so at least you’re scaring them. If anything, Glen the Monitor thrives on the attention, so you’ve made someone’s day a little brighter!

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