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8 Summer Audition Hacks!

As Lin-Manuel Miranda would say, there's nothing like summer in the city! If you're spending your summer on the audition grind, you know you're facing a unique set of challenges and joys! Try our Summer Audition Hacks for your best summer auditions yet!

  1. If you sweat enough, people will think its tears! July is a great time to break out the dramatic monologue that you never quite mastered.

  2. There’s no equity shoe rule. Show off that cute pedicure and go in barefoot.

  3. Befriend the monitor by saying things like “It’s too hot to do acting! I should have your job!”

  4. Pick a song that fits the summer season (even if it doesn’t fit the theatre’s season.) Try something like, “It’s Too Darn Hot,” and “June is Bustin’ Out All Over.” This will remind the directors that it is summer and that we could all be at the beach right now instead.

  5. Wear your sunglasses into the audition room. Refuse to take them off. This will lend you an air of mystery. Who was that girl? Was she a famous movie star? Bonus points if you're wearing them in your headshot too.

  6. Bring a gatorade into the audition room. Hold it while you do your Shakespeare sides.

  7. Don’t be selfish. Offer to share your water with the artistic director. Hydration is key!

  8. Insist the your pit stains are “the serious acting sweats!”

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