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Non-Union Theater “Just Going to Fake” the Stage Combat

Insisting that there is no room in the budget for a fight choreographer, and that acting is just “pretending anyway,” the Chubbuck Dinner in Theater announced to their cast Friday that they would be playing the fight choreography “by ear.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe in the work that that fight choreographers do per se, I just think that I could probably just watch a youtube video and figure it out, you know?” stated artistic director Art Bleemy.

The announcement was met with mixed emotion from the cast. “I’m not in any way certified, but I’ve done a good bit of fighting in my day, so I’m excited to step up and boss the rest of the cast around on this,” said Frank Hokus, the local actor playing D’artagnan in the summer production of The Three Musketeers. Dahlia Summers, the leading lady of the piece, was less enthusiastic. “I know that I’m supposed to trust my fellow actors, but I didn’t think that meant trusting them with my life.”

At press time, Bleemy was seen running for the the first aid kid.

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