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WOW! This Woman Said Good Luck Even Though She Didn't Mean It!

Despite secretly wishing that everyone in the holding room would trip on their LaDucas and break their noses, sources reported Friday that Lena Bressington announced “Good luck everyone, it’s a really chill room” after exiting her audition on Wednesday.

Bressington, a self-described mezzo soprano with a “wall of sound” belt, projected an air of confident breeziness that some suspect was purposely designed to subtly destabilize her rivals. According to sources, Bressington is a regular fixture on the open call circuit. Many know her only as “that loud woman who takes four chairs in the holding room.”

Bressington flatly denied claims that her salutation was disingenuous, saying, “I always have a great time in the room, and I think everyone else should too! I want everyone to know how much joy can be reaped in 16 bars, or even 8!”

Marcia Ferris, who was waiting in line at the time, found the room to be exactly the opposite of Bressington’s description. “No one even said hello when I walked in and I’m pretty sure the CD was eating a tuna sandwich behind the table.”

For her part, Bressington plans to continue to bring her unsettling energy to every audition she attends. “I wish we could all be cast, love you guys so much!” she said to no one in particular, before slinging her Marc Jacobs bag over her shoulder and heading home.

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