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Real Life Drama: I Went On Vocal Rest and No One Noticed

I’ve always had a sense that my voice mattered, and that I had something to say that would truly reach people near and far. In fact, it’s why I choose to become an actor in the first place. But after last week, I know for sure: I do not!

Let me explain. I am a 20-something actress living and loving here in the Big Apple. Last week, thanks to the fluctuating weather and my habit of screaming whenever I see someone I know in public, I lost my voice. I could make nary a peep. I know—right in the middle of audition season! I was devastated, but I decided to take my destiny into my own hands. “I won’t speak for the next two days!” I declared, out loud, alone in my apartment for the benefit of my cat.

True to my word, clammed up for a full two days, even canceling my audition for Mamma Mia at Green Acres Regional Theater in Alaska. The one thing I couldn’t cancel was rehearsal for the immersive production of Three Sisters set in a mental hospital that I’ve been working on. We can only meet every third Tuesday during the full moon because of everyone’s work schedules, so cancelling was just not an option (for more info check out our gofundmepage, thank you!)

When I arrived at rehearsal I thought for sure that everyone would give me lots of attention and sympathy for being on vocal rest. I even had a sign language/interpretive dance piece prepared so that I would be able to tell them about my health issues, but when I arrived at rehearsal it turned out to be entirely unnecessary!

Shockingly, no one noticed that I didn’t speak for the full three hour rehearsal. Although I have no lines in the play, I usually yammer on during rehearsal about every topic from the Oscars to what I ate that morning for breakfast. But I found that the conversation went on just fine without my usual contributions. In fact, had I been in full vocal health, I have no idea how I would have gotten a word in edgewise!

After rehearsal, I went over to my boyfriend’s place, planning on explaining the whole ordeal to him via text and hand signal. But when I arrived he launched right into telling me about his jerk boss and somehow I didn’t need to say anything until we were safely tucked in bed and turning out the light. “You’re such a good listener,” my boyfriend sighed as he put his arms around me. I rolled over to reply, but found him fast asleep.

If anything, this experience has taught me the value of vocal health. Now, more than ever, I motivated to protect the gift at all costs. Pre-nodes be damned! From now on, I will use my voice to advocate for myself as loudly and boldly as possible!

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