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55 Reasons to Not Go To That Open Call

  1. I’m sleepy

  2. Other actors give me hives

  3. I have a cold

  4. I love myself

  5. I hate myself

  6. I am going to be discovered soon

  7. I am waiting until I am old enough to play Mrs. Lovett

  8. My boyfriend and I had a fight about This Is Us (he told me to stop watching things that make me cry, and honestly how dare he?)

  9. The Playbill breakdown says they are casting the three witches as men

  10. I forgot to shower the night before and I’m CERTAINLY not showering now!

  11. I have the February Blues!

  12. I decided I’m offer only now (my agent disagrees).

  13. I’m too cozy in my bed and I can’t get out

  14. I watched Call Me By Your Name by myself last night and I’m not sure if I’m ever getting out of bed again

  15. My nude pumps are peep toe and I haven’t gotten a pedicure in weeks

  16. There’s no roles for Legit Sopranos

  17. There’s no roles for Belty Belters

  18. There’s no roles for Actors Who Are Faking Their Way Through 16 Bars

  19. I’ve been doing a lot of visualizing lately and I just can’t visualize myself in the 6-occupant room in non-eq housing

  20. My psychic Gina says I should get new headshots and I haven’t done it yet

  21. My audition jeans are dirty

  22. My audition dress is wrinkled

  23. I can’t believe we’re still typing in 2018

  24. Itchy

  25. I ate a tuna melt at midnight and now I feel weird

  26. I’m too tall to play the kid, and too short to play the teacher

  27. One day I’m going to be Equity.

  28. My boyfriend’s ex is bullying me on Audition Update

  29. My high notes don’t kick in until after lunch

  30. I have a weird bruise

  31. I have a pimple

  32. My mom says my audition dress “doesn’t show off my shape”

  33. My coffee machine is broken

  34. My phone’s not charged

  35. I ran out of headshots

  36. I’m scared they’re actually gonna cast me and is this what I want?

  37. I’m still not totally sure what Iambic Pentameter is.

  38. Everyone is wearing long skirts to Shakespeare calls now and I dont have one..

  39. I am still stewing over not getting a callback for Mama Mia

  40. They want movers and I am a DANCER!

  41. They want dancers and I am a MOVER!

  42. I have an appointment next week for something next week that I need to grapple with

  43. Early mornings make me nauseous

  44. I don’t trust the L/Q/R/W/A/C/E/G this early

  45. My horoscope said I should “lay low” on the 27th

  46. The new bagel place is top notch, but they don’t open til 7 and breakfast is the most important meal of the day

  47. I had a nightmare about farting in the audition room

  48. I don’t feel like putting on a bra today

  49. I need time to finish my collage

  50. I refuse to get up before UpFirst hits my Podcast Feed

  51. It’s my period and I’ll cry if I want to.

  52. It’s my half birthday.

  53. I had a fling with the security guy at Pearl and I can never go back

  54. I think I bullied the monitor in High School

  55. I am a delicate flower. Nobody told me it would be like this.

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