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NYC-Based Actress Deemed “Too Unlikable” to Play “Medea”

Sources confirmed Friday, that NY-based actor Brigid Adams will no longer be playing the role of Medea at Virilen Stage Company after cast and crew found her performance to be both unlikable and unappealing.

“The way she plays the scene after she kills her children turns me off. It’s ugly and loud.” Stated fellow cast member, June Farkan, after watching Adams give 100% of herself to the difficult scene. “It was a lot of yelling!”

Another actor, who wished to remain anonymous, took more offense to her backstage etiquette than her onstage performance, saying “Sometimes she doesn't talk to me or other people in the cast, like when she is preparing for her big scenes, or when she doesn’t want to deal with my nonsense. Also one time she told me my joke was offensive. She has NO sense of humor.”

Ultimately though, it was Ben Shinn (a local method actor and the theater’s artistic director) who decided to take Adams off the project. “The way she is playing it now, it makes sense that Jason would cheat on her. We are much more sympathetic to Jason the whole show! Besides, she refused to wear the stilettos that we pulled for her.”

Adams did not respond to requests for comment, like the cold-hearted bitch she is.

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