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How to Make Bold Choices Onstage, As Your Right to Make Choices is Being Taken Away Offstage

Women of the Theater! Actresses! Thespians! It’s getting pretty scary out there in the real world and Trump has made it very clear that he does not want you to be the star of your own life.

But that shouldn't stop you from making bold choices...on the stage! In this volatile political climate, the theater may turn out to be your last venue for personal expression, self-determination and bodily autonomy.*

*subject to change based on director/producer

Stand in your power onstage with these great tips from Hackstage!

1. Take up space by refusing to dance in your allotted section of the stage. If Greg gets kicked in the face during your wild, unspotted turn, then that’s the patriarchy’s problem!

2. Rewrite every single scene until it passes the Bechdel test. (Or if you are feeling EXTRA bold, enter the men’s dressing room and ask the males if they know what the Bechdel test is. Brace for Impact.)

3. Insist that everyone in the play wear the same sack-like costumes. Remember, gender is a social construct, so by refusing to contribute to stereotypical gender presentation you ensure that the whole cast is taking a leap forward for progressive ideologies.

4. Arrive late to every rehearsal. You aren’t subject to the patriarchal tyranny of time.

5. Demand that you get the last bow, even though you’re Maid #2, and had no more than 3 lines. Arbitrary hierarchies are harmful and oppressive. They have no place in the theatre!

6. Find a place to insert your favorite Vagina Monologue in the play. Wait until opening night to surprise them with this move. Eve Ensler would be proud.

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