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QUIZ: Are you doing Good Acting or Bad Acting or So-So?

Actors can be terrible at self assessment. In fact, many are practically incapable of answering the simple question, “how did it go?” Whether you think you're doing a great job or are pretty sure you're pure trash, it's important to be objective! Use this handy quiz to find out if you're doing Good Acting, Bad Acting to So-so:

Do your fellow actors like you?

A. Yes! I am a joy to work with.

B. Yes, and they say things like, “Can you be sure to say my exact cue line, otherwise I don’t know when to speak.”

C.The jury's out on that one.

Do the tech people like you?

A. Yes, they respect me.

B. Yes, and they say things like, “Jen, can you be sure to say my exact cue line, otherwise I don’t know when to dim the lights.”

C. I'm sleeping with the sound guy so, yes, he likes me.

What sort of notes do you get?

A. “I think you should go over your objective in the second scene.”

B. “When can we expect your lines to be memorized?”

C. “That was exactly fine, Jen.”

How do you warm up before the show?

A. I stretch out and sing some scales.

B. I go into the men’s dressing room and try to yell louder than everyone else

C. I stress eat someone else’s Lean Cuisine and hide from the makeup lady.

What has been the critical response?

A. Mostly good reviews!

B. People keep hiding the paper when I walk into the room. They're so funny!

C. I was not mentioned. No news is good news, I guess?

Mostly A’s: You are doing objectively good acting. Well done!

Mostly B’s. You are doing a v. bad job. There's probably not much you can do to fix it at this point, so just ride out the rest of the run and then pretend the show never happened.

Mostly C’s. You're doing just so-so. Your college professors probably wouldn't be too happy with your performance, but they're not coming to Girod’s Dinner Theater Palace in Ohio, so screw ‘em!

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