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8 Classes That Every BFA in Drama Should Require!

Despite rising prices of BFA programs throughout the country, more and more drama schools are graduating drama majors who lack the basic skills required of a working actor/human adult. Check out Hackstage’s practical suggestions for BFA classes and start petitioning your instructors today!

  1. The Broadway Bound Bladder: How to hold your pee for five hours without giving yourself a UTI. Very important for open call lines, waitressing and for when the R train is delayed for no reason!

  2. Living without Sleep: How to maintain your long distance relationship while performing 8 shows a week, keeping a gym routine, trying to get an agent and still being a cool cast member who goes out for drinks after shows and stuff.

  3. Musical Theater Styling or How to Use a Curling Iron: You may not sing like Bernadette, but you should at least have her curls!

  4. Filthy and Fabulous: How to uphold your dignity on your fourth day in the same leggings.

  5. When Should I Do Nudity: A seminar on separating the potentially creepy from the “artistically necessary” in breakdowns

  6. Finding Your Voice: Primal Screaming for the unemployed and frustrated

  7. Rolling on the Floor and Crying: Oh Wait! This one is already offered in most programs.

  8. Double Turns. Clean doubles, left and right. Nuff said.

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