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Optimistic Six-Year-Old is the Real Star of The Sound Of Music Open Call!

The Other Pearl Studios: Despite sleeping only 45 minutes the night before, Sound of Music hopeful Bebe Patchett, a six-year-old actor from New Jersey, told reporters Friday morning that she didn’t need coffee to feel “great!” Even with a long line outside the building, and no seats left in the holding room, Bebe managed to maintain her positive attitude throughout the grueling morning, stating, “I am #45 on the alternate list, I have TWO juice boxes in my bag!”

Entirely oblivious to the grumbles of her older colleagues, Patchett then spent several minutes spinning in circles because “being dizzy is fun”. Her mother Barbara Patchett kept a cursory eye on the girl but mostly just scrolled through facebook.

"After this I get ice cream!” the cherub shouted at several nearby women curling their hair, “What’s not to love?” At presstime, Bebe was seen practicing her audition song “Where is Love?” at full volume and sharing her applesauce with a hangry Maria wannabe.

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