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10 Cool Demands For Your Next Non-Equity Contract!

So you’re non-equity, and you’re definitely not making a living wage. That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to make some demands! Send that contract back with these rider attached and watch that non-equity producer cave to your talented will!

  1. Talent will sing melody and only melody at all times.

  2. No rehearsing before 2pm or after 6:15pm. Or when Talent is not feeling inspired.

  3. The opening night party specialty cocktail will be a play on Talent’s name and/or character name.

  4. Can we please have heat?

  5. Talent will not perform on less that 11 hours sleep.

  6. Theater agrees to employ Talent’s boyfriend, best friend and nutritionist

  7. Talent has the authority to fire other actors without prior notice to director

  8. Talent gets rights of first refusal for opening night cake. Right off the bat, I can tell you it will be free of gluten, dairy and eggs

  9. Talent will be lit by follow spot at all times, all others onstage will be lit by fluorescent

  10. Access to working indoor plumbing would be really really nice, when possible.

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