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Six Ways to Remind People You Are an Actor Over Thanksgiving Break:

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to sit back, relax, and call attention to the fact that you are an artist. We know actors don't like to brag, so here are a few ways to show your family that you are every bit as talented and as psycho as Shia Lebeouf.

1. Drink Copious Amounts of Vodka. Say you are researching for your next Checkov.

2. Triple Threat? Everyone would love it if you used your turkey drumstick as a microphone to serenade the whole table.

3. Offer to make a toast and say what you are thankful for. Be sure to share all the amazing opportunities you have had as an 'artist' and how lucky you are to have so many huge successes. Be very unspecific and highly emotional.

4. Family Movie Night? Give live commentary throughout the film. Point out every time an actor isn’t being “truthful” in their work.

5. After dinner play the Hamilton soundtrack. Yell at little Kenny every time he gets a lyric wrong.

6. Lastly, be sure to use your voice and speech skills to annunciate, “I hate you and all you stand for!” when you get into your inevitable political argument with Uncle Bill this year.

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