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Acting Major Would Rather Talk About Himself Than Whatever You Just Said!

A WEIRD DATE AT VESELKA: Despite nodding and insisting that, “Acting school is where you learn to listen,” sources have confirmed that your date, Ben Robbins, would rather be talking about himself than listening to whatever you just said. Glancing at his phone, and saying “cool, cool, cool,” over and over again, Robbins is currently looking for ways to circle the conversation back around to that awesome thing he did at a callback last week.

Reportedly, Ben wants to cover his unique childhood in the theater (he grew up in a greenroom!) and the AMAZING indie theater he works with (“It’s just four guys, three guitars and A LOT of ideas about society!”) before the night is over.

If there is time he also plans to bring up his fascinating EMC status (He recently earned four EMC points. It has been a real game changer,) before spending too much time in the bathroom and incorrectly splitting the check.

At press time, Ben was planning on gifting you with a signed business card of his face.

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