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Entire Wedding Singer Cast “Too Full” to Eat Free Doughnut!

A “Meh” Dinner Theater In CA: Insisting that they were all “totally stuffed,” each with a huge “food baby” the entire cast of The Wedding Singer reportedly turned down a donut offered by Lee Everts, a production intern. Lee, who had gone to Dunkin Donuts for lunch, and was accidentally handed two donuts instead of one, thought it would be “fun” to share the second donut with the cast.

The kind gesture quickly turned into yet another source of competition among the already combative cast. Kerry Nooman and Jeremy Trip of the ensemble, were reportedly the most vehement of the donut-denying group. “Rather than politely declining the donut, they started some kind of bizarre competition to see who could moan the loudest about being full,” stated another member of the ensemble. Witnesses agreed that Nooman was the unofficial winner after she described in great detail what the donut would do to her “#broadwaybody.”

As for Lee, the ordeal left her with newfound appreciation for the very donut she was trying to offload: “At first, I was disappointed, but then I wrapped the donut for dinner!"

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