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How to Get Into ANY Room

Alright, puppies, Auntie Zsa Zsa is back. It’s been awhile since I shared my signature wisdom with all of you good little boys and girls, so I today I’m going back to basics. I get asked a lot of questions during my industry showcase workshop, Zsa Zsa Smyth’s Industry Agent Showcase Showdown™*: Where do I find the best material? What is my type? Is this actually a scam? But the one I’m going to answer for you today is the one I get MOST often: How do I get into the room?

Ah, so you want to be in the room where it happens? This might seem like a tough one, but, as with all things, Auntie Zsa Zsa has the answers. So many actors experience frustration with getting into rooms, often trying for months at a time before succeeding. Now, snugglebugs, It’s important to remember that rooms generally tend to have doors. Many doors, especially in the interior of buildings and studios, don’t even have locks. In that case, all you have to do is follow these two easy steps:

  1. Turn door handle either left or right (often second time’s the charm!)

  2. Walk in the room.

Yes, it’s that simple, my sweet, dumb angels. Remember, practice makes perfect, so try this a few times at home before you try to get into Auntie Zsa Zsa’s room. I don’t want to see any suckers, crybabies or wusses standing outside the room trying to figure out how to get in. Do. Your. Research.

Until next time, my petite infants.

*($500 for one class or $995 for two, cash or check only, representation not guaranteed)

Zsa Zsa Smyth has been a casting director in the NYC area for several decades. Most recently, she cast the touring, unpaid company of Naked Boys Singing. Her class, Zsa Zsa Smyth’s Industry Agent Showcase Showdown™, has sent more actors home in tears than any other showcase/workshop of its kind.

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